Thursday, October 1, 2009


Angry Marks-mainly for O Show and Drunkcast. Avoid K4D only Mondays use to be good but went downhill fast

BTR Tope Con Coolio- a fun wrestling podcast

Comic Geek Speak- best general comic podcast

Doctor Whocast-Who with a European/Australian focus

Doctor Podshock-Who more focused on news and international stuff

Grizzly Bear egg Cafe- Mike Quackenbush and Clayton Morris just talk about stuff and they mentioned me

Lee and Z show-videogame show mainly listen cause I have a crush on Z and old school gaming stuff

Legion of Substitute Podcasters-if you are a Legion fan listen to this,heck even if you"choke"hate the Legion listen to this

Raging Bullets-DC podcast long reviews by too very postive DC fans which is nice to hear two reviewers who arent down about everything

Reality Wasted-movie and other talk,funny guys plus I have been mentioned multiple times.Four and half Chewbaccas

Secret Identity-comic talk/and second show of enterntainment news.Similar to Raging Bullets but not just DC focus

Smart Wrestling Fan-funny wrestling show but it was better with Wiggly sorry Joe although Dshpan has been hilarious last few weeks

Television Zombies-great geeky television analysis

Thought out of Context-Chris has cool little show that more people need to listen to.Talk ranges from movies to Rock Band to soda.

Tom vs. the Flash-reviews of old Flash comics

We Talk Games-fun especialy when talking old school games

A Wiggly World-insightful,funny,and
sometimes tech talk no one cares about by Wiggly(everyone should listen to this)

Wrestlecrap Radio-companion to the website nuff said

11 O Clock Comics-guys talk comics and drink

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